Tuesday 22 April 2014

Exumas and Beyond...

Arriving at Staniel Cay, we were greeted with these Nurse Sharks and Sting Rays at the wharf...

Later in the afternoon, we went snorkeling at Thunderball Grotto 
location from the 1964 James Bond movie...

 Swimming Pigs came out to greet us at Big Majors Spot,

We quickly jumped out of the dinghy when they were trying to climb in, 
Richard taking food ashore for them...

Pirates Beach was a lovely location - BBQ, finishing with Marshmellows...

Wardwick Wells is a marine park, therefore a no fishing and no take zone...
When snorkelling we saw "huge" crayfish and stingray...  
Unfortunately the Go Pro photos were not good enough to put on the blog!

Walking on the island, the views are beautiful...

It is tragic to know that consuming plastic garbage killed this 52 foot sperm whale.

However, it is not surprising, considering every beautiful place we go we are also greeted with a unbelievable amount of rubbish...  even in the most remote places - it is tragic!

 From Normans Cay we dinghy'd around to "One Palm Tree Island" (named by us)
 a small island of sand, (with the one palm tree) and one seat!

Normans Cay is an island renowned from the 70's and early 80's for drug smuggling.  The DEA set up on nearby Cays and were able to get enough evidence to indict and imprison Calos Lehder.
Nearby is this DC3, from those drug smuggling days...

At Allens Cay, we dinghy'd over to see the Iguanas, counting 18 on the beach 
- scary prehistoric looking creatures!

Highbourne Cay was the next spot for lots of Nurse Sharks!

 The bus service was probably not something to rely on...

We went out for a goodbye dinner with Teresa and Brett 
who had organised a (month early) Happy Birthday for Richard...

The next morning, Teresa and Brett up anchored as the sun was rising 
and headed East as we were heading West

We then had a lovely sail over to New Providence, leaving the Exumas.  
We hired a rental car and drove the island, visiting Nassau, and the John Watkins Rum Distillery

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