We arrived in Livingstone to clear into Guatemala…
Firstly, Customs and Immigration came out to Our Rose,
then we had to go ashore and go to their offices.
Richard was taken to them on a motorbike by a clearing agent…
This is where the local women do their washing…
After clearing in we then headed up the Rio Dulce, leaving the salt water behind and entering fresh. The scenery was quite dramatic…
We were also flying Lynnettes Bayleys Open Home Sign under the silver fern
(there was a competition at her work for the sign being photographed in unique places in the world - her sign was photographed in both Belize and Guatemala in various spots!)…
lots of little river houses along the way…
and locals in their dugout canoes…
We arrived at "Texan Bay" where we enjoyed the great bar/restaurant. Richard was very happy in the hammock with his cold beer...
We had a great night, with Dean and his new friends "jamming"...
The boys verses the girls at pool...
Texan Bay is a pretty and protected spot, we went for a lovely kayak...
(Dean looking like Pocahontas in the borrowed canoe, hahahahaha)

Lynnette and I meandering through the lily-pads...
River House in Burnt Creek, Texan Bay…
We met this lovely lady and her shy son, who took us to see their home.
(Once I took this photo and showed it to him on the phone, he was full of smiles!)
This is her kitchen...
Local people would paddle up to Our Rose to sell us their handmade baskets…
The owner at Texan Bay Bar/Restaurant, Mavis, organised for us to go for a very long walk to a local village. We were taken by "launcha" to our drop off point, where a local man,
came down the mountain to meet us, then took us up to his home…
(sitting beside me is Shannon, a delightful American that we had met at Mavis's Bar)
These are our guides Children, who were delighted to have their photos taken. They were very excited to sit and look through my photos on the phone…
Their living conditions are very minimal, thatched roof one room house, hammocks for beds, open wood fire to cook on, dirt floor - yet these children were laughing and happy to see us.
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