Saturday 31 October 2015

We are the Champions and Halloween...

What a day...
So, so, so proud of the All Blacks and extremely proud to be a New Zealander...

Halloween had arrived...

Wendy who is a wonderful friend that we met here, put sooooooo much effort into Halloween
I really do not know how to put into words how spectacular the evening was...

A grave yard appeared on the hill...

and the preparations for the evening begun, 
Russell - the All Blacks Hooker having makeup applied by gorgeous Jane our Christmas Lady,
ending up looking like this...

Richard the New Zealand Sheik and I was the "Black Widow"...
(look at that hooker in onto my Sheik!..)

The children looked amazing...

April, the Nurse Shark, with Quinn in his surf shorts...

Phil and Monica the pirates...

The Sheik and his Kiwi Ladies...

My lovely friend Pat and of course my Really Good Buddy (Pirate) Teresa

Also our lovely friend Don with the Girls...

Sue, a Sea Rose Devil...

Wendy and Ken put so much effort into a Haunted Walk... It was extraordinary!

Wendy, who went to all of the amazing work to create such an awesome evening...

After all of the excitement it was a goodbye dinner at Jane and Russells 
with Cain, April and Quinn, 
and of course our good buddy Teresa who we have cruised on and off with for over 2 years and will not see for some time...

It was time for Chris to come onboard and recalibrate our instruments
(Chris also did our sail drives - he has been an amazing help to us)

Time to fuel up and head off to Texan Bay to get our mainsail back...

Well, that should have been the end of this posting,
however things sometimes do not go as planned.

On arrival in Texan Bay, we found we had no reverse from our Starboard engine, so it was back to Fronterras and Chris arrived first thing this morning to fix the clutch cone for us.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to Chris!

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