Thursday 26 May 2016

Bora Bora

As we enter the reef, we see the first of many "overwater" holiday accommodations

We dropped anchor at Pitu uu Tai - lovely glass calm with no other boats.
Snorkeling was colourful...

even with underwater messages...

lots of fish...

and colourful shellfish

On arrival at Vaitape we were immediately invited by Jim & Carola (Koza) to join them 
along with Phil & Fay (Jigsaw) and Daryl & Deniz (Vimy) 
and a local guy, Tem and his friend Aurelie
to join them for a BBQ at a small Motu (Atoll) for a BBQ
The girls "had" to have  photo was Tem...

It was a great day and we have had lots of other really good times with Koza, Jigsaw and Vimy here.

Daryl & Deniz, Carola and Richard decided to hike up the mountain 
(this is the back-side of the mountain)

and this the side they climbed

The sign at the start of the hike "strongly" recommends a guide but doesn't state you cannot go...

As they ascended the views were amazing...

and of course getting to the top a wonderful feat for them all, 
with it being 661 metres at the lower of the two peaks.

They found the trail to be very steep all the way, including ropes on rock faces.  
It also wasn't clearly obvious where the trail was.
I received an email at 14.30 from Carola to say they were lost.
I immediately radioed Jim (Carolas partner).  We went to the start of the trail and emailed them the coordinates and bearings from their last position.
Jim and I decided it was pertinent to inform the police as darkness falls here early and quickly
(they were NOT impressed!)

By 17.00 we were thinking that they would be spending the night on the mountain,
however just before dark a very dirty and exhausted 4 had found their way down
The police and fire rescue were with us the meet them,
all of us having to report back to the police station at 07.00 the next morning for them to be informed how much a helicopter would have cost if they hadn't made it out!

Alls well, that ends well though.

Our lovely Tem makes paddles - he races in the local boats, so we had him make us one
It really is lovely (and will also be used in our kayak)

Had to take of a photo of these cute rental cars...

We will head away from Bora Bora tomorrow and more than likely 
not have internet for about a month

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