Thursday 8 August 2013

Tiki Touring...

Brett and Teresa ( continued on with us, and we enjoyed Whisper Cover, where we listened to a "jam" session of musicians.  We then continued to St Georges, where they have a dinghy dock directly across the road from the Supermarket - they really try to make life easy for cruisers.  After restocking, we headed to the Underwater Sculpture Park, anchored and then snorkelled (

We then headed back to Prickly Bay, another Tropical Wave weather system coming through.  This is where we said "See You" to Brett and Teresa, who flew to Panama.

We had met Ian and Wendy from Outsider (Australians).  Wendy headed back to Australia for 6 weeks, so Ian decided to join us and we up-anchored and headed to Ronde Island.  

We had boat boys come and sell us two Conch (Lambi), which Ian negotiated the price - 4 cold beers.  We left Ronde and sailed to Saline Island - Carricou.  We went ashore and walked to the top of the island.  

We were attacked by Cactus and Monster Mosquitos on the way back down.  After  WELL EARNED cold beer, Ian showed us how to clean the Conch.

Conch Salad for dinner - YUM!

Next morning we motored to White Islands.  Oh My - soooo gorgeous.

Bombay Sapphire Clear Water.  White Sand Beach.  Uninhabited Island.  We did lots of snorkelling.  Richard went diving.  Another night of delicious seafood for dinner.

A local boat came over to the island and begun building a structure.  Ian asked them what it was they were building.  "Its an archway for my wedding" was the reply.  "Would you and your friends like to join us for my wedding, this afternoon at 14:30?"

The guests (about 150 or more) were all brought over in very colorful local boats.

These lovely girls were happy to have their picture taken.

The bride arrived on one of the boats, then after the ceremony the bride and groom joined everyone for a great time.

There was huge generator with large speakers and a DJ.  Great music!  

Rum Punch, Beer, BBQ Chicken, Pealla, three wedding cakes etc etc

Just before dark, everyone was ferried back over to the mainland by the colorful local boats - Ian in his dinghy and us in ours, all helped get locals back.

What a magical experience!

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